OF †
– From the Mystical
Revelations of Maria Valtorta –
[Nov. 16, 1945]1
Depressed by the excessive
fatigue of these last days—writing 85 pages in five days—Jesus
allowed me to rest (materially). However my spirit does not
rest, and the Master instructs it always.
Here is the today's instruction: I am reading from the sages of Vedic, Persian, Indian poetry, etc. etc. Sacred, spiritual poems, in which are celebrated and described the movements and feelings of the faithful toward God: the ALL, the Truth, as even they call It. Some of [their writings] could pass for the ascetic writings of St. Teresa of Avila or St. John of the Cross. And I cite these because I know them a little. But there are certainly others. Again, one could believe these [pagan writings] are biblical songs filled with loving inspiration. I continue to be astonished. Then says—
"No. No
astonishment. Why be astonished?
In any religion, as long as it has an elevated morality, there exists a presence and requirement of virtue, in order to give life to that religion. There is present [in it] therefore: charity, hope, faith, humility, justice, and so on. These are not perfect, coming as they do from an imperfect knowledge of the ALL or Truth. But they always provoke the same moral effects of elevation, of ecstasy, of a prodding toward mercy, humility, and temperance: through a desire and hope of arriving at possession of the ALL, that is, of God. God, the Sun, has the same lights for all men. Revealed but imperfect religions might create a haze through which the ray of the divine Sun cannot descend as freely to kiss and penetrate its believers. However, the best [adherents] among such religions—those who tend toward God with their whole self—know how to rise with the flight of their spirit beyond the haze. They know how to reach a perfection—which unfortunately is lacking in too many Christians—and to experience the ineffable words of the [Holy] Spirit to their spirit. And [thus] they know the taste of being one with Love, more and better, than do too many lukewarm Catholics. Do not be astonished, then, if a [Muslim] Sufi2 has pages that are "sisters" to those of the lover of God: Teresa of Jesus. Love is one [same thing]. Whoever knows It, and is Its son, speaks the one and only language of love."
Valtorta :
Then, while I am
correcting [the above Dictation], He tells me to put the
first letter of the [pagan] virtues in lower case, not
capitalized, as I had put them3,
because, says—
"They are
the virtues as Grace infuses them into you, that is, the
theological and cardinal [virtues]. [But they are] the
elevated virtues of a being [which is] deprived of
Grace—because of not belonging to My Church, and not
enjoying My Sacrament—but
[a being which is] morally holy, because of tending toward
Truth, toward God."
Maria Valtorta,
Quadernetti (Edizioni
Pisani / Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Via Po 95,
03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia, 2006): 56-57.
2.The "Sufis" are a sub-group within Islam, and follow a more spiritual and mystical way than other Muslims. 3. We note here the meticulous Divine supervision of Valtorta's recording of her revelations—a supervision which she also records elsewhere in her works. At times she notes Christ's intervention to change or add something as she herself is correcting Fr. Migliorini's typewritten copy of her original handwritten texts.